The new Libby App Logo
The new Libby app by OverDrive, when downloaded, will enable you to read any ebooks that are currently in our collection. Go to to download the app and beginning reading!
Films on Demand video collection
Films on Demand by Infobase is a huge repository of video resources on virtually any topic that is useable for classroom instruction as well as for student resource reference material. Along with academic videos, there are also entertainment videos as well.
OverDrive eBook Collection
The OverDrive eBook collection includes literally millions of eBooks and audiobooks on every conceivable subject that are available for FREE checkout to students online. Resources include popular reading and academic eBooks and audiobooks.
New Digital Scanner
The new BookEye Professional digital scanner will enable students to scan print materials to a flash drive or to their email and will also be invaluable in making digital copies of archival materials for the college's historical documents.